I like the calander per-say, the style and festures. The bugs, my goodness same old issue 6 or 7 times out of 10 when I open the calander to create, delete, or alter I have to refresh because I’m locked out. 25% of the time I’m froze out completely and have to keep checking back to see when I can use the calander, this is major bummer. I’m getting real tired of down loading fixes then have the EXACT same issues the EXACT same frequency as when I down loaded it.
My frist rating was 3 stars, then 2, then 3 now that I’m reminded of how I keep coming back to my good god I need a to look into a calendar and dump I’m settling in on 2 starts. The only thing that stops me form changing now is the time it takes to get restarted and who know about these computer calanders, more then likely I’ll find something just as messy!
Wolfcounselor about CalendarPro for Google